Get a Move On
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Get a Move On

Hello! Welcome to my blog. My name is Danny and I am here to tell you to GET A MOVE ON. I'm not being rude. I am just trying to give you some great tips on how to move your stuff when you need to move house. I have moved house 8 times in the last 4 years, so when it comes to packing, moving and storing stuff, I know a thing or two. I was a complete novice when I started out but having hired some of the best moving and storage contractors in the country, I have learnt from the best. I hope you like my blog.


Get a Move On

  • Unveiling the Benefits of House Restumping

    2 January 2024

    Restumping, also known as reblocking, is an essential maintenance process for houses built on stumps. Over time, these stumps can deteriorate due to various factors like soil movement, moisture or termite damage. Restumping involves replacing old stumps with new ones, providing increased stability and longevity to the house structure. Enhancing Structural Stability One of the primary benefits of restumping is the enhanced structural stability it brings. By reinforcing or replacing the wooden stumps, the house becomes less susceptible to infestation or damage caused by natural elements such as termites, moisture or soil erosion.